Theres no record of such medical condition/ breakthrough at the National Hospital, Abuja — Lecturer verifies a report of a boy who was miraculously healed by Dr. Pastor Paul Enenche after s¥ffering from Chronic Kidney disease

A lecturer has verified a report of a boy who was miraculously healed by Dr. Pastor Paul Enenche after s¥ffering from Chronic Kidney disease.

This boy here was diagnosed of Chronic Kidney Disease after his mom discovered his swollen leg, & thereafter got him tested at a General Hospital in Abuja.

He was thereafter transferred to National Hospital, Abuja for further screening where it was discovered that his right kidney was dam ged & needed to be removed for him to live a normal life again to a large extent. The mother rejected the removal of his kidney.

She dashed down to the former Dunamis @dunamiswrldwide HQ in Area 1 to see the possibility of seeing Gods servant, Dr Paul Enenche@drpaulenenche.

She noticed him about driving off, ran after him & pleaded that prayers be made for her son whose result says his right kidney had been dam ged & needed to be removed. Dr Paul Enenche laid hands on him & decreed that his dam ged kidney be replaced by the power of God.

On the day the surgery was to take place, the Professor of Nephrology leading the team requested a CT scan be done before the surgery can commence. To the amazement of the Professor & his team they found what they had never heard of or seen ever before in Medical Science; they saw 2 kidneys on the right (the damaged one & a new one that wasnt there before) alongside the normal left kidney, making it 3 kidneys in total. This medically doesnt make sense.

This was the most shocking discovery by the professor. He hurriedly requested the surgery be carried out to see exactly what was on the CT scan. After opening this boy, they indeed saw 2 kidneys on the right (the bad one & a good one that wasnt there before with its own ureter, conjoined with the ureter of the bad one to the bladder) & the normal one on the left. The bad one was removed, & the 2 normal functioning kidneys were left intact.